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Will You Go to Prom with Me?

Will You Go to Prom with Me?

Prom is the most anticipated event of an American teenager’s life. It is a rite of passage for many. For others it is a chance to present your best self before you head off to college and into the real world. It is a night full of festivities, from dressing up to dancing, where juniors and seniors in high school enjoy the company of one another and just have fun!

Artist Spotlight: Kerry James Marshall

Artist Spotlight: Kerry James Marshall

Kerry J. Marshall is an African American contemporary artist who creates colorful, vibrant works of art that draw his audience’s attention towards the richness of black culture. Marshall uses his art to challenge stereotypes and prejudices against black people.

American Rock & Roll - How Rock Music Rolled The US Into a Music Revolution

American Rock & Roll - How Rock Music Rolled The US Into a Music Revolution

Music culture in the United States is very strong. One of the most listened to genres of music in the US is Rock and Roll (usually just called “Rock”). Here is a history of the creation and growth of Rock music in the United States, and how it has effected American culture, society, and other musical genres.

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