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Invasive Species in the United States

Invasive Species in the United States

From exotic pets to Shakespeare superfans, the stories of how some invasive species have hopped borders may seem far-fetched and maybe even comical. Nonetheless, it’s important that we recognize the danger of invasive species and how they have created disbalance in American ecosystems. Read more to learn about the ecological challenges of invasive species!

Celebrating Women in Science

Celebrating Women in Science

For centuries, women have been underrepresented in science and technology fields, and their achievements were often overlooked. On the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we want to bring your attention to just some of the many female scientists who made great discoveries in their fields, and to inspire you to learn more about others like them and to fight sexism in all areas of your life.

Science Fiction vs Reality: What Inspires What

Science Fiction vs Reality: What Inspires What

Science fiction comes in all shapes and sizes, but how does it impact our reality? January 2nd is National Science Fiction Day in the US! In celebration of this day, we want to expose you to the beauty of the genre and highlight some of its societal impacts.

Using Virtual Reality During the Pandemic

Using Virtual Reality During the Pandemic

When we can’t have normal face-to-face conversations, virtual reality can make our lives feel more normal. New software can help us network and make friends, but it took a lot of trial and error to get to where we are now with virtual reality technology. Read more to learn about the history of virtual reality and how you can use it during the pandemic.

STEM Like a Girl: Famous Women In STEM

STEM Like a Girl: Famous Women In STEM

There are thousands of important female role models in STEM throughout history who’s accomplishments and discoveries have shaped history. Discover a list of five amazing women who have made a positive impact on STEM and society as a whole, as well as a list of movies that depict the strength and intelligence of women in the field.

Happy Birthday from the Galaxy!

Happy Birthday from the Galaxy!

The Hubble Telescope surely was the first major development in astronomy and visibility of stars and distant galaxies since Galileo, and is exploring the universe at the moment. But who says we can’t just admire the mesmerizing pictures of our ever-changing galaxy? Here’s what the galaxy looked like on few big holidays of the year!

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