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MOOC Camps

Now is one of the best times to pursue learning opportunities online. However, are you weary of participating in new online courses because they often don’t have the same support or discussion as an in-person class? Well, we thought so too. So, as part of our AH Virtual programming, we are gathering a group of like-minded hungry learners to study a MOOC (massive open online course) together and engage in weekly discussions about the MOOC content.

The MOOC we are featuring is called, Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential. This MOOC is offered for free through Coursera. There will not be any additional certificates awarded for this program or for completing this MOOC. Participants who enroll in this program will study the MOOC at the same pace and meet online once a week for discussion and Q & A about the content from each week.

You must apply to the program by May 8th at 12:00 PM. We will meet online each week, on Tuesdays, from May 12 – June 9 from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM. The online discussion sessions will be LIVE and they are hosted by America House’s English Language Resident, Marie Snider.

Please sign up here to receive further instructions about the program. 


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