March 14th is National Pi Day! 3.14 are the first three digits of pi and it also happens to be Albert Einstein's birthday! At our conversation club this week we will be talking about how this special day started and why we should celebrate it. Bring your favorite kind of pie and dig in!
📍 The deadline to register is March 14th by 12:00 PM.
Like any skill, languages need to be practiced to become more fluent and proficient. Practice your conversation skills weekly with America House's English Language Resident, Meagan. Learning English allows you to discover new cultures and ideas, expand your career opportunities, and enhance your brain power while boosting your confidence at the same time. Use it so you don't lose it!
America House Kyiv is your main resource for American culture, education, and information in the region. We offer language learning programs and resources, speaking clubs, skill-building workshops, cultural events, and more! The best part is — all of it is free! Learn more about our English Language Resident and ongoing programs at English with Meagan.