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Building Blocks: Remote Work Tips

Working from home is a huge blessing. We can continue to work or study despite the growing list of reasons that do not allow us to be in person. We can even become more effective and efficient in our coursework or job, but how can we avoid the pitfalls? It can be hard to separate our work life from our personal life resulting in pitfalls such as overworking, burnout, becoming easily distracted or procrastinating. Join our Building Blocks Club on Thursday to understand what other pitfalls are and the best ways to avoid them. How can we stay focused and connected to our team when we are miles away?

📍 The deadline to register is September 1st by 12:00 PM.

The Building Blocks: Career Development program is back! This time we are equipping participants with the necessary skills to be successful in the academic world and workplace as well as continuing to communicate with coworkers and superiors in English. We will also have special guest presentations and interviews to add to the mix! America House English Language Resident, Meagan looks forward to seeing you here on Thursdays!

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