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Education in Emergencies: Strengthening Attention and Self-Awareness

Do you find it difficult to focus your attention when there are so many things going around you? Attention training has numerous benefits for us and our students. It improves concentration, learning, and the retention of information. It allows one to better control one’s impulses. It calms the body and mind in ways that promote physical and psychological health. Join us this week to learn how attention is not cultivated through force of will, but by repeatedly and gently cultivating opportunities for practice, just like any other skill.

📍 The deadline to register is June 27th by 12:00 PM.

America House English Language Resident Meagan will launch a virtual program to provide Ukrainian educators with the necessary skills and tools for virtual and in-person teaching during wartime and crisis situations. Based on the materials developed throughout the "Education in Emergencies" workshop series, the program will provide participants with a safe space to exchange ideas and experiences while learning new methods. Topics will include but are not limited to remote learning strategies, asynchronous class facilitation, increasing flexibility, working with limited resources, teacher well-being support, student well-being, case studies of Syria/Iraq, how to talk to children about war, safe healing and learning spaces, communication platforms and accessibility.

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