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Global News. United Nations General Assembly: Plans of Action

From September 23-27, the United Nations met for its 77th General Assembly at its headquarters in New York City. Join us on Tuesday to learn about who the key speakers were, what they discussed, and what their plan of action is to achieve their mission of the "maintenance of international peace and security". Hope to see you there!

📍 The deadline to register is October 4th by 12:00 PM.

Keeping up with the news has gotten easier with its accessibility from social media at speeds that are in real-time. The downside is that now that there are so many "news" sources, how can we weed out what is relevant and essential to our daily lives? Global News Club answers that call by meeting regularly to discuss hot topics all over the world. It will open your eyes, make you more cultured, and provide good conversation starters. Stay up-to-date to feel great with English Language Resident, Meagan.

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