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Teachers Training: Project-Based Learning in STEAM

Our new reality brings new challenges, but don't let that stop you from taking advantage of new opportunities and gaining new experience! We invite you to join our live viewing sessions of American English Live's Teacher Development Series from the comfort of your own home!

Not only will you hone your teaching skills and develop professionally, but you will also be able to network with teachers from across the country in discussion sessions facilitated by America House's very own English Language Resident, Claire Manning.

Each 60 minute webinar will be immediately followed by a 30 minute discussion session. The series begins on September 15th and takes place every other Wednesday until November 24th. Participants who attend at least four of the six sessions will receive an e-certificate from the Regional English Language Officer.

📍 If you have already participated in previous English-language meetings starting from October 4th, you can use the same link to join this one on November 10th! Through the link you can access all English-language events with Claire. If you are having difficulty accessing the event, feel free to reach out to our mail. We'll be glad to help you out!

If you are new to this program, or haven't re-registered to receive an updated link, please register below:

The deadline to register is November 10th by 12:00 PM. Before the session you'll receive an email with the link to the online meeting.

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